Working at height

Jun 30, 2022

Working at height.

Even at height you work safely and reliably with Kuiphuis after relaxation of regulations on working with a work platform.

The rules for working from a work bucket or work platform suspended from a crane have been updated again (as of Dec. 20, 2021). Our industry continues to fight for wider use of this safe way of working.
The work platform is a tool which (currently) may only be used if no safer alternative is possible, such as erecting scaffolding or using an aerial work platform. And although the client now has the freedom to determine which expertise he uses to draw up the work plan, this work plan must meet the requirements of the Labor Inspectorate NL.

Also, the work plan must be submitted in time - at least 2 working days before the execution date - to the Labor Inspectorate NL.

Unburdening, that is what Kuiphuis stands for.
Our expert work planners will gladly work out a work plan for you and take care of timely notification to the Labor Inspectorate NL, after which our machinist will hoist you safely to your workplace.

#buckethouse #workboxplan #workbox #liftingwithworkbox #labor inspection #safework #secureonhighlevel


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