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WKA Data

All about our WKA data and certificates which you can download here

WKA at Crane Companies.

Q: Does a crane rental company fall under the Chain Liability Act?

Answer: The chain-of-liability rule applies in situations of contracting work. This also applies to the "performance of work of a material nature for a price to be paid" for a client. If there is crane rental (manned) and work on a directional basis, there is no question of work of a material nature, but rather the transport of goods.

Conclusion: Crane rental companies do not fall under the obligation of the Chain Liability Act and, as a result, have no obligation for man-days records.

Situation: From a practical point of view, Kuiphuis nevertheless has access to a blocked G account. This allows our clients to cover their risk for social charges.

As a guideline, we maintain a maximum of €15 per crane hour worked.

Kuiphuis Crane Rental BV

Bank account
: NL55ABNA0595609155 | BIC: ABNANL2A
IBAN: NL86INGB0003280564 | BIC: INGBNL2A

G-bank account
IBAN: NL07ABNA0995041954 | BIC: ABNANL2A

Chamber of Commerce
Registration no. 06052793 in Enschede (East Netherlands)

Tax Office
No: NL007099150B01
Payroll Tax No: 007099150L02

DUNS® Number (Dun & Bradstreet)
Registration No: 409752847

GLN number (Chain standard / S@les in construction)
Registration no: 8713783693148

EORI: NL007099150

Kuiphuis Kranvermietung GmbH

IBAN: DE48280699565025464200 | BIC: GENODEF1NEV
VAT: DE160232498

Trade Register
HRB No. 130602

The Handbook WKA Bouwend Nederland states the following:

1.2.4 Specific situation: rental of manned equipment

If machines including operating personnel are rented out, it is a question of hiring staff or contracting work. The person hiring out the equipment therefore runs the risk of being held liable as a (main) contractor or as a hirer.

When materials are provided including labor, it should be examined whether the labor is working under the supervision or direction of the company using them. Generally, this will be the case and will constitute hiring of labor.

This is different if the equipment being rented is of such a nature that its operation places special demands on the knowledge and experience of the person operating it. Because of the special nature of the work, the personnel operating the equipment is not considered to be working under the direction or supervision of the client. In that case, there is contracting of work.

As a rule, the reverse charge mechanism (see chapter 12) must be applied to the rental of manned equipment for VAT purposes, regardless of whether this involves hiring personnel or contracting work. A formal exception applies in the situation where equipment is hired and personnel is hired (i.e. there is management or supervision by the principal). In that case, the reverse charge mechanism may, in principle, not be applied to the hiring of the equipment. However, if splitting the provision of drivers/machinists from the hiring of equipment creates practical problems, it is (still) allowed to apply the reverse charge mechanism to the total remuneration (therefore also to the hiring of the equipment).

3.7 Duty to Identify

There are a number of grounds on which an employee's data may be disclosed to a third party. One of the grounds is when the employee has given explicit consent. This can be arranged through a written statement from the employee.

In addition to consent, employee data may also be provided if there is a legal obligation. Examples include the provision of employee data in the event of an audit by the Tax Office or Inspectorate SZW (the Labor Inspectorate). In these situations, no consent of the employee is required.

However, the provision of data by the subcontractor/outsourcer to a (main) contractor/user is not legally required under the WKa. On this basis, therefore, data provision of Dutch personnel would not be possible without further ado.

Employee data may also be provided to third parties if there is a legitimate interest of the organization or the third party to whom the data is provided. The question is whether managing liability risk under the WKa can be a legitimate interest for providing employee data.

See links below for more information:

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