Acquisition of Utrecht office

Jul 8, 2019

Kuiphuis-Blansjaar sells shares to Kuiphuis

Kuiphuis Crane Rental (a.o. Oldenzaal) and Blansjaar (Wateringen) have evaluated the cooperation of the past years and in mutual good consultation it has been decided by both shareholders that Blansjaar will transfer the shares of the joint company to Kuiphuis.
The transaction will take place with retroactive effect as of April 30, 2019.

Utrecht Branch
The Utrecht branch will continue to exist entirely in its current form and all contracts will be continued or respected. All relations will be contacted personally about these changes.
However, the joint name will disappear in the coming weeks and the expressions on the cranes will also be changed.

We want to emphasize that Blansjaar in Wateringen is and will remain its own independent company!
Customers/staff and other stakeholders can simply contact their familiar contacts.

Kuiphuis Kraanverhuur B.V.
This company from Twente has existed for more than 100 years and now has seven branches.
With 80 mobile cranes, 7 crawler tower cranes, 12 semi-mobile cranes and 120 employees, it is a major player in the Netherlands.

Blansjaar B.V.
The well-known crane rental company has made its mark in the West of the Netherlands and currently has a fleet of 37 cranes, including a new 450-ton telescopic crane and several crawler lattice boom cranes up to 300 tons, 47 employees and a diverse customer base.

Mailing address
Would you like to change the mailing address as of today?
Kuiphuis BV, Kampenstraat 16, 7575 EK, Oldenzaal
The new mail address for invoices is invoices-utrecht (at)


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